Sunday, October 14, 2007

New Calling - Primary Worker

Sunday, 14 October 2007

As requested, I have been released as the Ward's Visiting Teaching Coordinator this morning. I wrote to the Bishop that I was not up to any callings for the time being but................

The Lord has a different job for me this time. Guess what? A Primary worker. Well! Maybe I need to be exposed to a different environment for a change.

4 months ago, I was called (3 June) and set apart (10 June) as the 5th Ward's Visiting Teaching Coordinator.

Visiting teaching is my favourite calling in Malaysia. I love to visit with the Sisters and because of that there was a special bond between us. I learnt first-hand knowledge of them and their circumstances. I understand them and the trials they faced. I forgot myself and it taught me to be more sensitive and loving to others.

Visiting Teaching coordinating is different. You collect visiting reports and submit the overall findings. I didn't get to fellowship with the Sisters and until to date I don't feel connected to any of the Sisters in the Ward, except for one. I have only submited one report.

Maybe I am not friendly enough. Maybe I wasn't open and talkative enough in the Relief Society Meetings. Maybe I didn't understand the American culture, the Sisters here and the way things are done here. I do know one thing. I was not as independent as I was in Malaysia - transport-wise. I had the blessing of my own transport to drive myself to visit any Sister there.

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