I wonder why they called it Pet Expo when there were no other pets except dogs. Anyway, the dog is my favourite animal/pet, and I am glad for the opportunity to be able to see different breeds at the park this morning. Please correct me if I got any of the breed here wrong.
Yuma's first dog park, behind the Wal-Mart on Pacific Avenue.
The organiser of the Expo - Humane Society of Yuma
Who wants me?
From the therapist booth - a toy dog
The real therapist dog - An Irish Setter
A Golden Retriever
A Basset Hound and a Bloodhound
A Japanese Akita
A Great Dane and his bed.
An English Bull Terrier
A Sheltie Mix and A Sheltie
Two Rottweilers
A Shih Tzu
Two Dachsunds
A Long-hair Dachsund - this is my favourite picture of the day!
A Poodle on the ground
A poodle in the air! It was carried!
Decorating/painting fire hydrants to raise fund for the park.