Friday, November 30, 2007

Museum of Church History & Art, Salt Lake City, Utah

Monday, 26 November 2007

Having learnt the history of the church, this visit enhanced my understanding. How could one not believe after visiting this museum and seeing for themselves the actual writings and other materials related to the history of the restoration of the gospel? I would like to come back and visit this place again.

Oliver Cowdery's original transcript of the Book of Mormon.

The printing press that printed the first Book of Mormon.

Liberty Jail - the letter that Joseph Smith wrote.

Battle of Crooked River: Captain David Patten's rifle

Pioneers - Handcart

Painting of Lehi's Dream

Other Paintings

An Angel

Display of "Italy" nativity

The Pulpit

The Angel "Moroni'

A quilt showing the different prophets

The Birth of Christ, in a manger.

A Pioneer's Log House

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