Monday, January 21, 2008


Saturday, 19 January 2007

The first time Mike remarked that the "Snowbirds" would be here from the month of October to March, I thought they were really winged birds that escaped the cold of their original habitat.

I learnt later that the term "Snowbirds" refers to people and not winged creatures, who have indeed escaped the cold climate of their home city/state. Some of the "Snowbirds" only stay from January to March.

So far, I have made met "Snowbirds" from Canada, Idaho, California & Utah. Brother Jerry & Sister Colleen are Snowbirds too, and I knew them when they were missionaries in Malaysia. So nice to see them again.

1 comment:

Iain Cameron said...

I would like to be a snowbird too! Maybe one day.

You are certainly enjoying your life there in Yuma. You are looking younger and more healthy. Great to see that. I always enjoying your Blogs seeing around the USA.