Wednesday, September 12, 2007

San Diego - SeaWorld Adventure Park

Friday, 7 September 2007

Genesis 1:20-21 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

YES! They are some of the wonders of His creation.

Dolphin Discovery, at Dolphin Stadium, was the first show we attended. Her name was Dolly and she could jump! The stadium was already packed and the show was almost starting. We sat down on the first row, on entering, which happened to be the highest. And that suited me. Because the sun was shining hot, I opened my umbrella and it didn't block anyone's view from behind. Not too lucky though because the lady in front kept standing up to take pictures!

Next was the "Clyde and Seamore's Risky Rescue" show at Sea Lion & Otter Stadium. Interesting to watch the 2 sea lions and the big walrus worked with their trainers.

The famous 'Shamu' and the show "Believe" at the Shamu Stadium. It looked like the whales are communicating with their trainers at the back, before the show.

They are saying "Hello" with their tails! Are they smart?

You have been warned! If you don't want to get wet, sit on higher row. The water was cold! Splash!

Now to the best part of the show, at least for me! To see them jump!

There were a lot of stars in the tide pool. We were told to handle the starfish with care, to place them back gently on the bottom of the shallow pool, as soon as we have taken pictures of it. They are uniquely beautiful and soft to hold.

Now the fishes in the Aquarium de la Mer and the World of the Sea Aquarium. They are colorful!

Freshwater Aquarium - Looked like the fishes that I ate back in Malaysia. I am no good with names. I was told that the left side is the Tarpon and the right side is the Tuna fish.

Sharks! We were able to see them swimming above us while walking through the submerged acrylic viewing tube. I don't know how many kinds of sharks are there but I noticed the following 2 are different from their mouths.

I am not sure whether their tails are different. And for the jaws, there is big model of jaw before the exit.

Now the Penguins! The air in the building was cold cold!

These are Jackass (African or blackfooted) penguins! They are penguins too but they don't dwell in the cold!

Flamingo Cove - so many flamingoes and ducks as well

The fourth show we attended - "Pets Rule!" at the Pet's Playhouse. I didn't dare to use my camera after 1 of the trainer push the hydrant and water shoot out. We happened to be sitting in the front row. This was unexpected. There was not warning! Luckily at that time, my camera is inside my bag and I didn't dare to take it out again. I enjoyed the show very much. There were dogs, cats, pigs, and I forgot what else? They were running here and there.

SeaWorld Adventure Park - I wondered why these animals are here. Anyway dogs are my favourite animal and I had a picture of this dog (Shih Tzu? Sky Terrier?) sitting on top of a small platform. Reminded me of my dogs before ........ (they are clever)

Like any other parks, there is not enough time to see all. Maybe next time. These are some of the things that I thought were interesting......
The Manatee Rescue - It was not opened. At least I have pictures of the statues outside

The unique structure on the bayside

The balls hanging from the tree

And the many many strollers parked outside the stadium

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